May 31, 5:20 pm

When YOU walk your [http://talk......people/?trk=public_post_share-update_update-text]talk......people LISTEN.                                                                      

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore IEEE Student Branch hosted the IEEE Bangalore section event “Sunday Walk & Breakfast with An IEEE Fellow” in Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore campus.   Dr.Gopal Pingali, the speaker of the event is MD & Global Hybrid Cloud Leader at Accenture, Bengaluru. On 3rd December 2021, the IEEE Computer Society announced Dr. Gopal Pingali as IEEE Fellow - for contributions to hybrid cloud computing and real time multimedia systems.   The fresh and green morning session at mesmerizingly picturesque Amrita campus was further made very interactive by Dr.Pingali. He patiently & enthusiastically answered various questions asked to him. Out of muliple questions he entertained, few of them were questions about his research and others like how he balanced his personal and professional life, how he upgraded himself with technology for 20 decades, and eventually about his journey with IEEE. Students drew inspiration from him and how they can explore everything without restricting themselves to a specific domain. The speaker also shared his real-life experiences and interacted with students on an Individual basis to help them clarify their doubts. He also shared his experiences as IEEE student member to fellow member. The badges were handed to the participants by Dr. Gopal Pingali with his autograph. The event ended with a networking session in breakfast room. The event had 40 participants of which 10 IEEE student members and 8 IEEE professional members. #engineering #bangalore #students #research #society #technology #networking 

#cloud #inspiration #cloudcomputing #leader
