June 18, 4:12 pm

#music event series *2 Music is the next best thing after silence, which comes closest to expressing the inexpressible as opined by Aldous Hexley #music event series *2 - A team of 12 musically inclined, soaked in raga, devoted to bhakti, ready to mesmerize the audience - SUPER TALENTED GEMS of Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore in the next 2.5 hrs of a surreal experience. Presenting to the audience a musical treat by this amazingly talented team of 12 which is captivating, binding and enchanting all at the same time....... On the noteworthy occasion of the 7th anniversary of the International Yoga Day Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore presented a unique blend of Yoga (Chakra) and Indian Classical Music -Anahata - The Unstruck Sound Audience witnessed ethereal experience at this first of its kind Musical event. At Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore we break #stereotypes. #engineering #bangalore #students #experience #event #music




series 2